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Race card

12 May 2023

Westminster mole, ROOF’s parliamentary correspondent reports

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New tricks

12 May 2023

Jon Trickett fights back on housing

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Bevan help us

12 May 2023

There has never been a greater need for mixed communities, says Hazel Blears

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Hidden charms

01 September 2023

Don’t overlook the discreet appeal of the section 106 agreement, Gordon, says David Curry

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Super Cooper

01 September 2023

Green day

01 September 2023

ROOF’s parliamentary correspondent reports

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Dear John…

01 January 2024

John Prescott wrote to all council leaders saying the government will definitely not provide direct additional money to meet the decent homes standard. Tony Newman, chair of housing at the Association of London Government, and soon-to-be-leader of Croydon council, responds…

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Has Gordon forgotten something?

01 September 2023

It will take more than a review of planning deficiencies and fixed rate mortgages to control the housing market, says Duncan Maclennan

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Back to the soup kitchen

01 November 2023

Government plans to tighten rules for asylum seekers risk a return to widespread homelessness, says Alison Fenney

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Forgotten something Ken?

01 September 2023

The Mayor of London sets out his vision for London as a great world city: future economic growth, transport improvement and a rising population. But the vision can only become a reality if the number of new homes being built in the capital more than doubles, says Chris Holmes

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