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Sold out

18 June 2023

The fall-out from the sub-prime crisis is starting as homeowners irresponsibly sold loans they could never hope to pay back are being found intentionally homeless. Tom Marshall and Bill Rashleigh investigate

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Needle work

18 June 2023

Paul O’Hanlon on the destructive effect drugs have had on on his fellow hostel residents

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Love thy neighbour?

18 June 2023

Mixed tenure developments have been held up as a model for promoting social cohesion. But new research has found that residents are often unhappy about sharing their area with people in different types of housing tenure. Joanne Bretherton reports.

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Continental gift

18 June 2023

Experiences in Europe show that regulation and private renting are not mutually exclusive. Jan Jager reports from Holland and Germany on the lessons for the UK.

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Escape to poverty

18 June 2023

Anne Scholl reports on the thousands of women and children who can’t return home and are living in destitution in the UK because their asylum claims have been rejected

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Seconds out

18 June 2023

A new repossession crisis is happening beyond the reach of government help for homeowners and the scope of official repossession statistics. Tony Marshall reports on the menace of second charge loans

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Now you see it…

18 June 2023

More than 40 years of specific funding to support homeless, vulnerable and isolated people is about to disappear into area-based grant. Will the money ever be seen again? ask Maurice Condie and Neal Penney

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