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Displaying features tagged with Arrears

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01 January 2024

A lack of decent and affordable private rented housing is pushing many tenants into slum accommodation, writes Julie Rugg

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Taking the strain

01 January 2024

With buy-to-let landlords feeling the pinch of high mortgage rates, tenants are being left in an increasingly precarious position, reports Tony Marshall

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Poison pill

01 November 2023

Beware firms claiming to offer a way out of repossession. They are not the panacea for struggling home owners, writes Tony Marshall

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End of the line

01 November 2023

People struggling with the rent or mortgage are using high-cost credit cards to cover the gap, write Bill Rashleigh and Tony Marshall

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Dreams deferred

01 July 2023

Simone Fergus has a message for ministers: ‘Your housing policies are stifling my potential.’

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Diagnosis: market failure

02 May 2023

New research reveals a housing market seized up and dysfunctional. Julian Birch reports in ROOF’s annual Housing Market Healthcheck

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Decade of discrimination

01 November 2023

The single room rent restriction is 10 years old this month. Simon Ellery investigates how a pernicious policy has blighted the lives of vulnerable young people and forced them into homelessness

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Left in limbo

01 March 2024

The government has pledged to extend Britain’s ‘property-owning democracy’. But what happens to the families that get left behind? Will Wiles investigates

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Up to the job?

01 January 2024

Peter Kemp looks at whether the new local housing allowance can solve the problems that bedevil the current housing benefit system

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The red peril

01 January 2024

A new repossessions industry is emerging – fed by Britain’s burgeoning consumer debt and vulnerable homeowners, William Wiles reports

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