

Displaying features tagged with Banks

Slide rule

18 February 2024

With mortgage lending down to levels last seen in the 1970s, ROOF’s housing market healthcheck analyses the latest boom and bust. Report by Julian Birch.

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Bob the builder

08 September 2023

Can he fix it? Yes he can… and in less than two years, Robert Napier, incoming chair of the new Homes and Community Agency, tells Tony Marshall

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Golden opportunity?

24 July 2023

A multi-billion pound development programme offers housing associations the chance to consolidate their position as the country’s leading social housing provider - but the risks to expansion leave no room for complacency, argues Sebastian Taylor.

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Hidden truth

12 May 2023

Far more homeowners are struggling to stave off repossession than lenders admit. Tony Marshall reports

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The big squeeze

12 May 2023

House prices falling, mortgages disappearing, repossessions rising. Are the walls closing in? ROOF’s Housing Market Healthcheck investigates. Report by Julian Birch

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On the treadmill

01 July 2023

The cost of housing will deny young people the chance of normal family life, says John Bone

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The red peril

01 January 2024

A new repossessions industry is emerging – fed by Britain’s burgeoning consumer debt and vulnerable homeowners, William Wiles reports

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Benefit of the doubt

01 November 2023

Early results are encouraging from the areas piloting the local housing allowance, says Robina Rafferty. But there are still major obstacles to overcome if the new flat-rate form of housing benefit for private tenants is to be introduced nationwide

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The big picture

01 September 2023

Professor Mark Stephens launches a new ideas-driven section of ROOF by reflecting on English housing policy since 1975. He finds some individual success stories, combined with a collapse in strategic policy-making

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Keeping it in the family

01 September 2023

The children of people who were homeless when ROOF started back in 1975 are having housing problems of their own. Bill Rashleigh investigates

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