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Displaying features tagged with Landlords
12 January 2024
Are government plans for a landlord register enough to protect tenants or should landlords be left to get on with it? ROOF reports from this year’s conference on private renting
21 October 2023
It was the tenure of choice in the early 20th century and one to be avoided in the 1990s. Now it’s growing in popularity again. Peter Malpass charts the course of private renting through the decades
21 October 2023
There is little incentive for landlords to spend money creating a pleasant environment. But Penny Anderson argues that the poor standard of furnished or partly furnished accommodation is cause for real concern
21 October 2023
It’s not just tenants who are unhappy with the workings of the local housing allowance scheme, landlords are also clamouring for change, reports Vincent Peterson-May
04 November 2023
08 September 2023
24 July 2023
A multi-billion pound development programme offers housing associations the chance to consolidate their position as the country’s leading social housing provider - but the risks to expansion leave no room for complacency, argues Sebastian Taylor.
24 July 2023
What happens if associations are left with swathes of low-cost home ownership schemes that no one wants to buy? Sebastian Taylor talks to the Corporation’s Peter Marsh
24 July 2023
The NHF is fighting the Housing and Regeneration Bill. But is the underlying message of privatisation in Martin Cave’s 2017 review the real threat to associations’ independence? asks Peter Malpass
24 July 2023
Privatisation could give registered social landlords a multi-billion pound windfall. So what’s stopping them from cashing in? asks Naomi Goode