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Displaying features tagged with Lenders

Diagnosis: market failure

02 May 2023

New research reveals a housing market seized up and dysfunctional. Julian Birch reports in ROOF’s annual Housing Market Healthcheck

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Let’s do the time warp

02 May 2023

With the benefit of a lifetime’s hindsight what should we be doing now about the housing market? How will the next generation of housing experts interpret the current crisis? Brian Green imagines the debate in 2077

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Striking a balance

02 January 2024

Forcibly demolishing peoples homes isn’t the only way of pushing through regeneration schemes. Terry Fuller and Naomi Goode examine how compulsory purchase can be made to work

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Security clearance

01 November 2023

John Flint and Ian Cole explore how people affected by renewal and regeneration programmes can best be supported during demolition and clearance

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Shared vision

01 November 2023

Politicians love to talk about spreading the benefits of home ownership. But will yet more new initiatives really make a difference? Julian Birch reports

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Loaded question

01 September 2023

Why is social housing ‘social’? Dave Cowan says the Big Picture is that the answers to that question reveal much more than who the landlord is

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The red peril

01 January 2024

A new repossessions industry is emerging – fed by Britain’s burgeoning consumer debt and vulnerable homeowners, William Wiles reports

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Barking up the wrong tree

01 January 2024

New evidence about household growth suggests the government got it wrong in its reponse to the Barker report. The crticial housing shortage is in London and the South East and it is in new social housing for rent. Julian Birch reports

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Will new HomeBuy work?

01 May 2023

The political impact of a pledge to create a million more homeowners is big. But the small print reveals Labour’s proposals are actually rather modest. Julian Birch reports

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Rich pickings

01 May 2023

Gordon Brown gave first-time buyers a small step up the housing ladder by cutting stamp duty. But high earners are set to enjoy a far larger cash handout to spend on property. Julian Birch reports

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