Lime Legal

Lunchtime news July 5


Posted by:
Bill Rashl

The Council of Mortgage Lenders has produced a new consumer factsheet to help borrowers avoid saddling themselves with unamangeble debts when taking out a sub-prime mortgage. The move follows yesterday’s announcement that the Financial Services Authority has started enforcement action against five sub-prime mortgage firms.

The goverenment is set to announce a housing consultation green paper on 12 July.

Citizens Advice has warned that today’s expected rate rise increase could tip already stretched borrowers over the edge. ‘We’re seeing more and more people coming in for help with motgage or secured loan arrears, Sue Edwards from Citizens Advice told the BBC.

New research from the Woolwich says first-time buyers are paying close to a third of their income in mortgage charges, rising to almost 50% for people in their 20s in some parts of London.

Families in Yorkshire, forced out by the floods, may be homeless until Christmas says the Express.

People are more frequently using their housing equity to fund spending, according to new figures from the Bank of England.

The ultimate eco home - a cave in Worcester - has been sold for £100,000

Tax dodgers could have their homes seized by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) without a court order, under new proposals.

Planning bosses in Powys, Wales, have held talks with 40 small councils to try and address the chronic shortage of affordable housing in the county.


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