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Bradford & Bingley, publicly owned since last September, said that the proportion of mortgage customers in arrears by three months or more surged from 1.6 per cent to 4.6 per cent – or one in every 22 – since 2007. And it warns that worse is yet to come as the arrears rate climbs. B&B’s arrears rate – the highest of Britain’s major lenders – ‘highlighted the woeful credit control that was in place’, according to banking analyst Alex Potter. More than 6 per cent of buy-to-let and self-certification customers are now more than three months in arrears.
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Interest rates have reduced. One month of my old payment is 4 times my new payment. We should have arrears assessed on % of debt which stays constant regardless of interest rates.
Posted by John Smith on Tuesday 31 2009 at 12:20 PM