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Displaying ROOF Blog articles tagged with Low Income

Benefit system puts 60,000 on 90 per cent tax


Renata Watson

Figures in last week’s pre-Budget report reveal 60,000 low-income families now face paying 90 per cent of any earnings directly to the taxman.

The number of affected families is up from 30,000 last year and is forecast to rise again to 70,000 next year.

The very high tax rates arise from complex rules that mean low income families have their benefits slashed if they take up work.

These so-called marginal tax rates – far higher than those faced by top earners – are blamed for discouraging thousands from seeking work.

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Debt levels leave low paid at risk of homelessness


Renata Watson

Research by the thinktank Resolution Foundation shows low-income households – with an average of £15,800 at their disposal – are walking an increasingly precarious financial tightrope.

It has found that 24per cent of low-wage households spend more than a quarter of their monthly income on debt – twice the number from three years ago.

The study shows nearly a third of low-income households have high loan-to-value mortgages and are in negative equity, making them vulnerable to homelessness if they lose their job.

Sue Regan, chief executive of Resolution Foundation, said: ‘What’s important is not so much about when we get out of recession. It’s how sustainable the economy will be going forward if we increasingly see low-income households default on loans or lose their house.

‘If we don’t address this, it has got big economic ramifications for UK plc.’

The foundation is calling for high-street banks to involve themselves more in debt counselling when low-income households miss their first mortgage payment.

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