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Shelter calls for renters’ tax break


Renata Watson

Shelter is calling for greater tax breaks for householders who rent a room to lodgers, because the tax threshold – the amount a person can receive in income before paying tax – is so low it puts people off from offering a room to potential renters.

The present threshold of £4,250 hasn’t changed since it was set in 1997, despite rent rises of more than 110 per cent since then.

But Shelter believes many more homeowners, especially those struggling with mortgage costs, would rent out a room if they didn’t have to worry about tax repercussions.

Shelter director of policy and campaigns Kay Boycott said:

‘In the current economic climate, many homeowners are battling to meet their mortgage payments and many are looking for options to maximise their income.

‘If the rent-a-room threshold was higher and the scheme better publicised, it could prove a real incentive for people to take in a lodger, and the take up of rent-a-room opportunities could increase.’

Shelter is calling for the threshold to be raised to £9,000 a year to reflect rising rents, which would cost the Treasury around £5 million per annum, plus a publicity drive to ensure greater take up of the scheme.

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