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Displaying ROOF Blog articles tagged with Shortfall

Millions stung by endowment policy shortfalls


Renata Watson

Around 300,000 people who had hoped to pay off their mortgage this year face shortfalls. They are all victims of missselling of 25 year with-profits endowment policies. Almost three million more people will suffer a similar fate in the next few years, according to the Association of British Insurers. At the peak of the 80s housing boom, homebuyers were encouraged to take interest-only mortgages and rely on investment returns from an endowment to repay the loan at the end of the term, usually 25 years. In the 90s, £50 a month policies regularly turned a £15,000 investment into a £100,000 return.  Today, they commonly pay out less than £30,000 for the same 25-year investment.

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Shortfall of 500,000 affordable homes if budget is cut, warns housing group


Renata Watson

The government will struggle to build even half of its target of a million affordable homes by 2020 if the housing budget is not exempted from public spending cuts, a housing campaign group says. If the cuts to the house-building budget suggested by November’s pre-budget report go ahead, the number of affordable homes built by 2020 will be 444,000, says the National Housing Federation. The NHF is calling on Gordon Brown to make the house building budget ‘untouchable’ and give it the same status as hospitals, schooling and policing, areas the government said in November it would ringfence while it cut back spending in other areas.

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Rent reduction expected for housing association tenants


Renata Watson

The government is expected to announce modest rent reductions for around two million housing association tenants, despite a survey of tenants showing that most are against a rent cut.

The associations – the main providers of social housing – fear that such cuts will lead to a sharp fall in the level of affordable house building because they will be unable to raise the necessary loans for new building.

But ministers are determined to press ahead with the first ever rents cut, despite an opinion poll by the National Housing Federation (NHF), which represents the associations, showing that almost 70 per cent of tenants do not want a reduction.

The NHF says that even a small cut will reduce their income, already well down as a result of the recession, by millions of pounds.

NHF chairman, David Orr, said: ‘Faced with such a shortfall, associations could be forced into cutting back dramatically on the key services tenants really value, such as anti-social behaviour programmes, job training schemes and education initiatives.’

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